Sunday, April 19, 2009

पु. ल. प्रेम

हे जे लेख आहेत, ते खरोखरच देवनागरी लिपीत टीका लिहिण्याजोगे आहेत. आता, पु. ल. देशपांडे हे अनेकांचे आवडते लेखक आहेत. त्यांच्या विनोदी साहित्याची, संगीतातली व संगीतअभिरुचीची महती सगळ्यांना ठाऊक आहे.
त्यामुळे, आता मी त्यांच्या विचाराबद्दल लिहित आहे. अत्यंत चांगली सदसदविवेकबुद्धी, माणसांची चांगली पारख व हे सर्व सांगण्याची ओघवती भाषा.

अत्यंत वाचनीय : अभ्यास : एक छंद
मला पटलेले विचार म्हणून सांगण्यासारखा उत्कृष्ट लेख म्हणजे, सावरकर आणि समाजकारण.

त्याचप्रमाणे, हे जग मी सुंदर करुन जाईन....
"ज्या जगात मी आलो ते हे जग मृत्यूपूर्वी मी सुंदर करुन जाईन अशी जिद्द हवी."

My review:
Rating : 10/10
Style: collections, descriptions of Pu La.
Audience: all
Must Read for: all

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Samarth Bharat - Phelasophy that can be applied or used

This was one of the good writings by Anil Chawla, I have encountered, in terms of content.

As of now, this site doesn't do any feeds, so I am sure to lose track of it. But whatever I read so far looked very good.

I am focusing on the content related to the philosophy here.

I find these articles really rich:

though obviously, not all content is claimed as true or history, it is a good way to write it down.

Could have improved with better restructuring. Basically, the lame system of making just webpages would restrict the access and appeal to people, in the era where we have blogs, and more important- feeds.
No way to arranged comments or publishing the same. Maybe the people hosting it would not want to handle any heated arguments.

But the site does show good honesty and commitment to write the articles.

My review:
Rating : 8/10
Style: typical intelligent guy, brilliance of saankhya
Audience: 13+, all
Must Read for: people involved in social activities, leaders, followers, religious and wise people.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the rules of wealth

This is another site maintained and mostly authored by Ng Zhi Wei, I found (after a long time) that has the right content. I don't agree all of the content. But some are exceptionally right and well explained.

Here are the ones I find very good ones:

My review:
Rating : 8/10
Style: like an consultant, to some extend a preacher
Audience: 13+, all
Must Read for: all people, people who need to think more, कूप मंडूक , improvisers, philosophers

Friday, January 12, 2007

Creating Passionate Users

A very nice blog I have been reading since a few days is the one mostly written by Kathy Sierra. Now there are many many interesting articles. Read it yourself with comments..... believe me. She has earned many loyal readers.

Now, the first thing that came to my mind was how could she knew my ideas of explaining things with sketches and graphs. I am doing the same thing (well not on the web) since quite some time and never shared yet. Anyway, I love that approach.

But the more interesting thing is what follows those images. The content she writes is so well structured and flowing...... very well done.

Nine point is almost a perfect score. Afterall, I am such a mean critic :)

My review:
Rating : 9/10
Style: typical American intelligent guy.
Audience: 13+, all
Must Read for: IT people, Engineers, professionals involved with people interaction